Friday, March 23, 2012

Hello Hello!

This week was a VERY busy week at school. Every week my classes participate in a different sport. The only four sports recognized in TZ are basketball, soccer, volleyball and netball. I decided this week to bring back what I love most....Track and Field. So the first day we divided each class into four teams and competed in the 100m, 200m, hurdles (aka buckets) and long jump (a jumprope as the line). The second day of classes we did the 400m, 50m, shotput (small soccer ball because their arms are just so tiny I felt bad using the real shotput) and high jump. The school made high jump posts with nails to hold the pole and then...truely African style...found a long stick to use as the bar. We took old mattress cushions for the landing. Each team had a paper with the four events and they wrote 1st- 2nd- and 3rd place.

After one of the classes, one of the boys said to me..."Mwalimu (in a serious tone), michezo leo...safi sana", and then walked away. It means, "Teacher, Sports today....very good." I love these kids!!

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