Sunday, February 26, 2012
Monday, February 20, 2012
Jim Jack and Ryan

Writing is supposed to make you feel better so here it goes…
This morning I of learned of Jim Jack's death. I met Jim Jack through Ryan and the boys on the Freeski World Tour. Jim Jack was one of the judges, a hilarious person, and the only person…though he was kidding… to propose to me. I want to send my prayers to his family and friends.
I wrote the following down on my birthday a few days ago.
My last birthday was spent in Crested Butte, Colorado. I went to watch my friends compete in the Tour. The night of my birthday I went to a bar with some friends. We ordered food, a beer, and started playing pool and fuzz ball (something that Ryan definitely excelled in.) I looked behind me and there came Ryan, Lars and Silas. Ryan gave me a birthday hug and proceeded to buy me a shot of tequila, for dinner. I will never have a birthday without Ryan. I wish everyday that I could buy him the next shot.
In celebration of Lars and Silas's one-two finish that week we all went out to celebrate. All the skiers received free beer in the back of the bar. I walked back and there was Ryan with his new girlfriend Angel. As soon as I walked in he told me to step back and immediately I knew why…Ryan farted BAD. His new girlfriend was only laughing. She is a keeper. That night Ryan just danced as he always did with his arms out, moving his hips side to side. We all then got on a shuttle to go back up the hill. Ryan got off at the hotel and that was the last time I saw him before the hospital. He was so happy for his friends, happy for life, and happy in love.
It is really hard to understand why this happens. I think about Ryan everyday. I remember coming out of the ER one night in college after being really sick and there was Ryan waiting for me outside. He was the only one to come see me. I feel like I am still waiting to see him. What an amazing person. I miss you Ryan.
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Monday, February 13, 2012
Meat Cake for a Vegetarian
Saturday, February 11, 2012
Yohanna, who is one of the student teachers took me everywhere trying to find fabric today. We finally agreed on a pattern and a woman is now hand making us matching skirts. Bright green and blue... super African but while in Africa...
Tonight all of the volunteers are taking me out to the next town called Mtuwambu. Seven white girls...we are going to stick out like a sore thumb tonight...as always. Tomorrow, Sam planned a waterfall/swimming hole hike right outside of Mtuwambu for all of us. What a great birthday weekend! I am so lucky!